Sunday, 11 May 2008

The Arts In Our Lives

The Arts plays a variety of roles on our society. It gives society true meaning, and is the centre of what keeps our society essentially together. I will firstly discuss the impact of music on our society. Music can take place in many forms. It is through music that many people can relate to greater aspects of there lives. In a recent tutorial, through the interaction with my peers, I found that music can influence the mood that you may find yourself in, and can help you to deal with certain situations. Music is everywhere, so it will most definitely influence your lives in one way or another. I was not aware that music can really help people to relax I though it was just a saying, but I can now understand why people use it for this reason. Following on from this I will talk about theatre. In this form of art we are able to convey our expressions and emotions through acting and movement. People can easily relate to performances that they have seen, and they can help them to get through difficult ordeals, by showing that they are not they only ones going through these things. I was not aware before that art could come in the form of something as simple as a movie at the cinema. The director must covey they exact points through the camera shots, lighting, and the actors that are used. Art takes many forms and it was interesting to find out that it is not just the obvious kind. However Art in the simplest form, for example a painting can convey more than what you are seeing at first. If you look at a painting for the first time, you will see only that - a painting. It is not until you look further into the painting that you realise that it is actually telling you a story. The colours used, the shading, the setting, all convey what is happening. Paintings make you think about what the author motives may have been for painting this particular object/person. It makes you think about what type of period it may have came from. It makes you question the theories behind the art, and look beyond what you initially first thought. I did not realise that painted art could be so interesting and provided more information than some books may have. Art within society is extremely important. Society could not simply go on without it. We need art in order to survive the dreary days of our lives, and living without it is unimaginable no matter what form it is in.


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